Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Living Daylights

Who invented this crazy stuff called daylight savings time?

Was it some crazy politian who bet his cronies he had so much power over his sheep that he could get them to do something really stupid not just once but twice a year?

Let's get rid of it?

Any counterpoints?

Allison, you are now 3 hours different than I am.

Remember Heavenly Father is in charge. He is not gonna let one little teacher mess up something so right. There may or may not be repercussions just do the best you can, especially if there is nothing else to be done.


  1. Vicki I wanted to say the exact same thing to you! I love having this window into your life! It's so great to be able to see what your whole family is doing- I was so out of the loop before.

  2. good post I have no Idea what time it is anywhere but here.LOVE CONNIE I also dont know how much I weigh or what anything weighs or what the temperature is.
