Saturday, June 28, 2008

Old friends

We attended a surprise 50th Bithday Party for an old friend, Denise Gee. Keith was her hometeacher 28 years ago in the Byu ward we attended when we got engaged.

V, Keith, Cathy Verdoon Cambell., Denise Daniels Gee, Veronica West Darrimon.

We had exchanged a few christmas cards since then, but not much else. By chance Denise and Diana discovered the old connection. Denise's sister lives in our ward here in Gilbert, her name is Diana Hatch.

What a bunch of good people and friends.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Old Times

Last night we went to a get together of the families that went on the Handcart Trek

Taylor asked, "How come we have to sit together as families?"-- how soon they forget.

deluxe sleeping and eating accommodations

plus Family fun time !!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This feels like my first day of Summer vacation! A little sleep, a movie on dvd, breakfast at 10:00 (am or pm) and little that has to be done today, yup it must be summer. Maybe I will go jump in the pool, it is 112 degrees after all.

Okay, so, Mom needs stuff from Costco and another presription filled. David needs a ride for him he and his friends to the Jazz band party at Amazing Jakes, (plus 30 dollars that I don't have), dirty dishes are piled high in the sink, my front pots are dying and copies need to be made for the RS meeting tomorrow, that package needs to be mailed, Rae is leaving for Utah, Danny is sleeping still somewhere else, Keith is gone - I don't know where, my bed isn't made and my hair is a mess, a few of the things bugging me so I am not quite relaxed .

-guess I'll blog instead.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Sister's B-day

Happy Birthday to my Sister Connie Jones Earl!
It was yesterday actually.
By the time I got these pictures figured out , I posted them a day late.
Okay, so these were taken a few years ago, her hair is shorter now.

I am liking this kind of blogging --no words, only pictures. At a thousand words each, I am a pro.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Lehman college NYC

College apartment at BYUSplash Mountain Disneyland

Keith= great father, good man.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th

Grandma says this was my Dad's favorite day.

EFY is next week!

Volkswagen! Rae's Ride

Here is Rachel Ann's "new ride".
I waited for her to post it, but I am waiting no more. It's been a month!

Check out the red paisley velour seats.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I only wish to stay inside my house, or in the yard. I do not wish to go anywhere.
I do not wish to go to the grocery store or to wash the car.
I wish to lay my back and ligaments down and not to drive or hike again for a very long time.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


My Mom and I are in Moses Lake Washington. We attended the Funeral of Tammy Earl. It has been shocking and sad.

It is a long way here. around 24+ hours, It is a bit of a blur. I am starting the return trip in about an hour. My back hurts.

It has been good to see My sister from Peru and her family, and alot of old friends from Moses lake. I spent alot of growing up time here in Moses Lake.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Youth Conference!

I love the pictures from your Youth Conference Mom Dad and Dave. Everyone please scroll down if you haven't seen them! The above picture is from the Youth Conference Ian and I just went to for our stake (Westchester NY Stake). We worked with Habitat for Humanity all day and then went on a dinner/dance cruise around Manhattan! It was a great day, and this is a fun picture our good friend in the Stake Presidency took of us. And don't worry, I'm drinking cranberry juice:)

This is just a picture of our freshly rearranged room (I've had a break in between semesters so this is what I do). Notice the new wardrobe, and now we have his and hers dressing areas- each with our own closet and dresser. Oh and you saw the new headboard already. Yay!

Lastly, I was so honored to be the only Junior nursing student to receive and award at the Senior pinning (graduation) ceremony! I was completely surprised. Ian even showed up with flowers- he told me he had to work late, but showed up at school instead! It was really cool. It's called the Pat Kroah Memorial Award and it's for excellence in therapeutic communication in psychiatric nursing and for nursing leadership! Wow. My professor even said it was a unanimous decision amongst the faculty. Well I feel funny saying all this about myself so I'll stop...but it was really an honor!
Also this week (last week, whenever...) we went to Pinstripes in the Park for the 4th year running- impressive, huh! (and can you belive it's our 4th summer in NYC?!) They broadcast an away Yankee game on a huge screen in Bryant Park in midtown and we all come and sit on blankets and picnic while we watch the game. And they have raffles and old Yankee players come, it's a lot of fun:). Just a picture of us. I was even happier than I look, really. It was a happy night. We are blessed. And we love you, family!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Pioneer Trek! Head 'em up, Move 'em Out!

The Cutler Family!

Andrew, Matt, Dustin, Bailey, Ma, Pa, Amber, Derrick, Melissa, Rockford,Lindsay,Taylor, Nathan.


Around 250 youth, 70 or so Ma's and Pa' s and another 90? adult support.

We hiked 11 hours /15.5 miles, steep hills and in the dark til about 11:00pm the first day.

I now view these kids as young adults. They can do anything.

These are shots of the easy parts of the trail. During anything hard or busy we didn't take pictures of course.

We built new handcarts for our stake to keep as our service project /eagle project.

Pa, walked for George Laub.

David Cutler /Alonzo Knight

My favorite Trail Boss ever!! He's even ahead of
"Gil Favor"! (does any one else know who that is?)

Ma Marple a happy Pioneer !

Sister Jones in charge of the whole thing and still smiling!

The leather braclet on my wrist holds the name of a family pioneer

Some of David's Family ready to load up and return to reality.

Back to the Future.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


We are home from the pioneer trek. What a powerful changing time it was. More to follow.