Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This feels like my first day of Summer vacation! A little sleep, a movie on dvd, breakfast at 10:00 (am or pm) and little that has to be done today, yup it must be summer. Maybe I will go jump in the pool, it is 112 degrees after all.

Okay, so, Mom needs stuff from Costco and another presription filled. David needs a ride for him he and his friends to the Jazz band party at Amazing Jakes, (plus 30 dollars that I don't have), dirty dishes are piled high in the sink, my front pots are dying and copies need to be made for the RS meeting tomorrow, that package needs to be mailed, Rae is leaving for Utah, Danny is sleeping still somewhere else, Keith is gone - I don't know where, my bed isn't made and my hair is a mess, a few of the things bugging me so I am not quite relaxed .

-guess I'll blog instead.