Friday, September 26, 2008

"Stretchy" Week

That means I have attempted stuff way outside of my comfort zone! (Of course lately that is anything beyond the front door to my house).

Anyway, I went to sit with an older Sister in The ICU in Mercy Gilbert Hospital while her daughter got some rest. The doctors said she was probably out of danger. I was nervous. We, her friends and neighbors, but mostly the Doctors, were frankly all surprised she was still alive at the end of this week. All her organs were shutting down--heart, liver, kidneys, lungs. (I think it may have started with a heart attack). You should have seen the long list of Doctors on the wall for her care.
Miracles happen.
They had removed the intubation from her throat for her lungs that morning so she was breathing and able to talk again some, and had just finished removing the drain from her kidneys the minute prior to our walking in (I took Mom with me because Jan had asked for her particularly too, please).
Mom sits by Merlene(the sick Mom) every Sunday in RS and had also been a great comfort to Jan, the daughter, just that Sunday as she reported the miracles that meant her Mom was still alive. Anyway we both felt very good to be able to be there and help in some little way (once we got there).
Sometimes(most times) anticipating something like this is worse/scarier than the actual doing. The actual doing is a great privilege and I feel unimportant after I plunge in. It is hard to explain, but once arrived I felt no qualms and started right in with her care.
The friend who came next was scared too, took both my hands and asked me to please stay with her as long as I could,( she said she was having a panic attack). She was terrified that Merlene would "die on her watch", but soon she felt the calm Love that was there too. All was well when I had to leave her later. And Merlene was sleeping peacefully.

I don't really have the causes or details Allison, I wish I did so you could help me understand it better. It really made me wish that I had followed the dream I'd had to be a nurse. (dang chemistry fear and hangup).
I am so glad for you, Allison, That you will be a Nurse. Especially when it feels like this to care and help some one. It's bigger than can be explained? Do you feel that? It's too late at night for words to work for me very well.

The other "stretch" didn't work out quite as well,
I volunteered to help man a phone bank to help get Prop 102 passed here in Arizona. Well, anyone who knows me very well knows I really don't like telephones, and I avoid them at all times if I possibly can (which really isn't very often in todays world, unfortunately).
This proposition is to define marriage as only between one man and one woman and puts it in the constitution so it can't be over turned in the courts as they did in California recently.

Yes, me, with a list of names and numbers to call (on the dreaded phone) in an office with forms to fill out on the responses received! I must feel pretty strongly on this issue to sign up for this duty.

I lasted about 2 hours then I was so sick to my stomach I called my dear husband and he came to my rescue and finished my time. I did pretty dang good for me.

For info on the proposal go to;

By the way, the response was mixed.

I used to be pretty involved politically, I was even was voted as an alternate delegate to the Colorado State caucus once. It was so fun, but as an alternate I didn't vote while there unless Ted couldn't go, but he did, so I got the experience with not so much of the pressure.
I remember the year I campaigned against Clinton for Bush. Do you remember all the placards and stuff around Allison? Anyway, after it was all over, My kids got me a big Button that said, "Don't Blame Me. I voted For Bush." I guess they could tell I was pretty discouraged that Americans would reelect a lying adulterer.
Rachel did not remember so I wanted to tell you about this so you will know I think it is important! But I digress.

This activity, the phone bank volunteers, is actually coming from - our Stake. The LDS Church never (almost never, I guess) takes a political stand other than encouraging it's members to please be informed, involved, vote etc. so I figured I better step up.
LDS or Mormon info here;
This is very important and I was a little surprised at the lack of initial volunteers. But it is getting rolling.
Allison, as a registered voter, you should receive info booklets in the mail addressing at least the local issues. Watch for these, if you don't get them, the libraryshould have them and I am sure they will be available on line too.

Back to my story. I called Keith after 2 hours and had him come take over for me. I was pretty nauseated and nervous.
After Keith rode up on his white Charger, I mean drove up in his white Ford Focus, I ran quickly into the over 100 degree Knight, I mean night, and bought him an anniversary present.
It is tomorrow after all. But that's another story.

Here is a link to a video on similar issues put out by the Catholic church that I like.

Can you tell I am a conservative and a Republican? What gave me away?
(actually it is Thursday the 25th for me, it's just really late so excuse any gibberish etc.).