Monday, September 22, 2008


Asking for help doesn't mean you are weak it means you are smart.

A Hero is someone who gets up every morning and does the right thing.

It is called The Doctrine and Covenants not the D and C.

Overheard" If you truly want to make an impact, be a really good Scout Master."

Decision making tip; Do the right thing. Why? Because it is the right thing to do.

How are we doing on our test today?

"A man's got to know his limitations". Dirty Harry Callahan


  1. I thought that was Keith until I really looked closer. Doug

  2. No way, me too! I thought it was from his mustache days or thereabout.

    Actually I don't even know who Dirty Harry is. Help anyone?

  3. Clint eastwood played a roge cop in San fransico in about 4 movies. Several oft quoted lines come from thes films. The most well known is probably, "Do ya feel lucky, Punk? Well do ya?
    It is a bout a 44 magnum hand gun being out of ammo or not, while pointed at the badguys head.
