Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Out With the Old

I am ripping out the old growth in my garden. It is time to plant again.
I harvested nothing!--no wait, 3 small (nickle sized) yellow cherry tomatoes before it got too hot to set fruit.

The Zinnias in the front didn't work well either, and the potted plants are mostly dead again.

I don't know, as Rae Rae says, "The heat makes me angry"!

I had to drive Mom to her dentist Appointment this afternoon in Rae's topless, aircondioningless, car. I made Mom wear a hat to keep the sun off a little bit. She didn't like that much. She won't even let a window be rolled down usually 'cause it blows too much. (I had been on a wild goose chase to try and get a different car to take, but to no avail)! arghh.

Can you see it, imagine it? It was really quite fun. the looks we got were different from the usual ones this car gets.

No $10,000 dollar dentist for My mom, no Sir!

We had Dr. Thomas, from our ward, take out(not rip out as I did my garden) Mom's old teeth stuff and put in shiney new gold crowns.

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