Monday, April 13, 2009

The prodigal daughter returns

Maintaining my own blog was just ridiculous. Who was I kidding? You would think that a single, living at home, no responsiblities type of girl would have nothing better to do than blog!! Ha, yeah right. But count it as a lesson learned. So I am posting on the good ol' Cutler blog again. Not that it will be terribly frequent, but I think I will give it a better go. Went to Conference last weekend, it was glorious. My first live one. Can the church get truer? No pictures though. Sorry. I have become a little camera unhappy. Hmm. Don't like that, maybe I should get snappin. Make some summer plans, take some trips, have something to look forward to.

The last time I uploaded photos was January so here is a little from the holidays in Utah and then a rock climbing trip in Vegas where I stayed with Sam and Kyle but took no photographs with them...sweet.


  1. Raachel! Glad to hear from you!

  2. RAE!! Thanks for your comment! Do you ever check your email?? I've sent you a couple emails in the last several months. My number is 409-681-9986...if I don't answer, leave a message. A. Because it's a super cute message of my 3 year old. and B. Because I'm good at returning calls. Love ya dude!
