Monday, April 20, 2009

a letter

Keith attended the TEA party here.

(On April 15th, hundreds of thousands of citizens gathered in more than 800 cities to voice their opposition to out of control spending at all levels of government. Organized in all 50 states by Americans from all walks of life, these "tea parties" were a true grassroots protest of irresponsible fiscal policies and intrusive government. was the home of these protests, and will continue to be an online gathering place for a new generation of grassroots activists who are committed to effecting positive change in their communities. )

It was well attended.
Mom got a letter saying the Obama bailout would send her 250 dollars.

Jason was correct in guessing that Elder Dan had been transferred to La Serena. he says it is beautiful.

My Colorado home was snowed in by over 2 feet of snow for over 2 days! Everything closed down including schools and freeways.
It is supposed to hit 100 degrees this week here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Elder Cutler update. La Serena was the one part of the mission that I didn't get to visit. I had a few companions that got that far north and they loved it.

    Keep us updated.
