Thursday, April 30, 2009

Before I quit

There is a little period of time when I feel maybe I could garden here in the DESERT, and thanks to my dear friend Marsha Jackson, (of skinny ankle fame)I have wonderful Hollyhocks this year! She gave me the seeds some time ago and they have not just survived-- they have thrived!

I have tried a little square foot gardening this year. So I decided to post pictures of it as well as the HHs mostly cause I know Alli was asking about it.
I might get a zucchini.

Not too much luck with the composting bin though.

But Hope springs eternal.
Of course July is fast approaching and I am sure I will will once more throw down my tools in disgust and run screaming-- to jump in the pool/into the wilderness, and give up gardening for good one more time.

(Wanna borrow a jack?)


  1. Keep at it! The flowers are beautiful.

  2. YAAAAY. It's beautiful and I'm VERY impressed with the square foot gardening. I don't think it's allowed on the fire escape. I love it Mom. Maybe I'll go back to basil and tomatoes on the windowsill!!

  3. I have had a lot of luck with Rosemary too
