Thursday, November 13, 2008

How can I miss you if you don't go away?

Keith and I have always joked about this. Off and on during his career he has had to travel a lot. He has made choices to stay at home more, especially during the last 10 years. I really appreciate that about him. His family is more important to him than climbing that worldly ladder.

He has been gone all week to meetings in Las Vegas, a place the business world must think is fun. Has anyone read Stephen King's book "The Stand"? But I digress.

I walked into the garage today to get a blade to clean my glass stove top.
I opened the lid to his tool box and immediatly started to miss my husband.

He is a rather organized car guy, don't you think?


  1. Awesome. I only dream of being that organized :0 Disneyland? Are you kidding me? Can you take me with you? I will be so good and mind my manners and everything. Give Mickey a hug for me will you??
