Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Took a roadtrip to Provo for some weddings and to move home a few of my things 'cause my old roommate was moving out of our old place. I didn't take any pictures of the blushing brides (sad) but I got a few of my friends and their babies! So that was neat. Here is Astrid of Jasmine and Arthur VanW.

Above: me and Cami
Below: me and Brad and Heidi. We had some good times when we were all living in the junky upstairs of 282 E 200 N. Close that chapter now...
Preston. Belonging to Dave and Sarah Aller. He pretty much couldn't take his eyes off of me the whole time I was at their house. I had to leave the room so he would eat and drink. This was the opposite of Astrid who managed to shatter glass with her cries when she realized I wasn't her mom holding her.

Hooray for friends and babies of friends!

1 comment:

  1. Helllloooooo Rae! Glad to see that you are doing well. Sounds like you and PG are positively boyfriend and girlfriend!

    Miss you!
