Sunday, October 3, 2010

Still Crazy...

...after all these years. 
Thirty years we have been married!

That requires a trip to Disneyland! 

And a three day park hopper pass to boot.  Here we are on the Buzz Lightyear ride.Yes, Keith is skunking me in shooting accuracy, but here is my excuse, my left hand is working a joystick that caused the ship we were in to spin etc. He kept both hands on the laser gun.   Okay, so he still out shot me despite my best efforts at sabotage.   He is just a better shot than I am. I guess I'll have to be married to him another 30 years and practice.


  1. They say the first million years are the hardest...

  2. It might take more than 30 years of practice to get anywhere close on the score...I mean, there is quite a disparity. Two-a-days might help?
