Friday, October 8, 2010

Roy's Surprised us Both

Keith just happend to mention we were celebrating our anniversary when he phoned in to see if we  needed a reservation.  When we opened our Menu this is what the first page looked like. It took us a couple of seconds for it to register that it had our names on it. They also brought us this dessert with our names written on it in chocolate, and then took our picture. This has been one of our favorite restaurants, now with even more reason!   Thank you Roy's. It was great.

Keith wishes he could take the credit but neither of us arranged this or knew in advance that they did this.
Keith has always said he leads a charmed life. 


  1. You guys look great...looks like you guys did A LOT of fun things for your big day. Good job guys. Cali and I both agree that that makes us want to eat at that restaurant.

  2. What fun. I think we need a little anniversary help.
    Love Connie

  3. Mom, one of my favorite posts ever. I love the "fine print" move at the bottom. And that picture!!! So great of BOTH of you! I love it. You need to frame it up in the house somewhere....
