Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Short Fingers

All this time I've believed I was unskilled and untalented because I cannot play a musical instrument.
I had an electric organ as a kid that I loved and practiced on a lot, to no avail. My cousins and friends all seemed to play the Piano well. Not me. I bought a guitar as a young teen and tried and tried. Never could do much with it either
Did anyone else hate it in church when you were asked to list your talents?
I used to try and console myself by claiming to be a "jack of all trades master of none" or a "good listener". I finally took a small class on leading music and joined the school choir.
Okay, so I am not musicaly talented either but I have discovered that I have shorter than average fingers! Nothing freakish mind you, but short enough to hinder my ability. What a relief. I would rather be deformed than lesser. I don't know what that says about me. I just know I would have liked to have had this excuse years ago.
This also explains my short based stubby looking fingernails--sigh.


  1. I hear yah sister...people are always commenting on how small my fingers are...

  2. I wonder if I can use that as an excuse too.

  3. Your fingers fit perfectly when we hold hands...
