Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Allison!

23 Years ago today Allison Layne Cutler Kelly
came to this earth as a tiny baby for her walk by Faith.

Allison married Ian 3 years ago, loaded up her stuff and drove to new York City. And I let her go.
There Ian works for an advertising agency and Alli is studying and working at Lehman college to become a nurse. She is very good at this and is also very smart (She is on the Deans list and received a prestigious award) I would definitely want her as my nurse.
Ian is a Bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ LDS in the Bronx. He is studying to be a writer. He is a good man. Solid, and "with the program"(those are the two highest complements I give).
Alli plays the organ in Church and teaches early morning Seminary among many other things.
(I love you, Allison!)


  1. Happy Birthday Allison! You are amazing!

  2. I like this post Mom. Thank you, I love you.

  3. I like this post too. I like my sister and I second the posted motions.
