Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I need Y-mountain parking lot! (Do I miss Provo?)

Sure don't mess around

Went to a primitive skills gathering, got my face painted with charcoal by some Anasazi friends and did some drum-dancing around the fire. Saw old white guys in loin cloths. And good looking young bearded men in buckskin...but not loin cloths...sigh.

Friday, February 22, 2008
I wanna rock too

So we woke up to snow in the Bronx this morning. (not quite 72 and blooming eh Mom?) SOO, Ian got sent home early from work and managed to borrow his friend's Guitar Hero that he had brought with him to the office. Woah. So now we have a snow day (he was home in time for lunch!) AND guitar hero. And don't get too jealous, but someone gave him their Knicks basketball tickets for tonight's game. WOAH. How's that for a start to the weekend!!
Did I happen to mention...
My sister (Connie and Douglas Earl) is serving another mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
They are working with the Perpetual Education Program in Lima Peru. It is a great program through which young church members can get a good education.
They have been there a couple of weeks now and are "having the time of their lives".
Thursday, February 21, 2008
left eye
Mom's left eye cataract has now been removed.
Dr Bluth commented that it was really thick.
Dr. owens said there was alot of swelling.
Mom gets really weak and confused after the buzz wears off and before the drugs are out of her system. we put several (4) different types of drops 4-5 times a day. At five minute intervals. Did I say that already.
Connie, she wears her new slippers every day. She is wearing them instead of shoes during this recovery time cause she can do them herself.
I didn't walk the full 2 something miles this a.m. blah.
Dr Bluth commented that it was really thick.
Dr. owens said there was alot of swelling.
Mom gets really weak and confused after the buzz wears off and before the drugs are out of her system. we put several (4) different types of drops 4-5 times a day. At five minute intervals. Did I say that already.
Connie, she wears her new slippers every day. She is wearing them instead of shoes during this recovery time cause she can do them herself.
I didn't walk the full 2 something miles this a.m. blah.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Painted my fingernails for valentines day and needed something to match.
Germans know cars.
Argo our good old doggie
Here are the other two pests, I mean Pets we have right now. Kat and Argo. She loves to torture the big ol dog. He hasn't a growl in his body, he tolerates her. Kat is less than a year old. We adopted her from a shelter. She had no mom.
She also loves to hide under Grandma's bed and grab her bare toes.
Mom and the Argo dog
Argo is getting old and moves slowly, so does my Mom, so I think he relates to her or guards her? anyway he likes to lay down by her. Oh, enough-- here is a picture of them.
I did my moms hair for her for the first time. It has been too frizzy so we put it up on rollers.
She says, "Don't smile just try to look pleasant" to herself when I took these pictures.
It has been a good day and a good week. Another eye surgery this coming tues.
Did I say two old dogs with new tricks?
Friday, February 15, 2008

Ok, two posts in one day is probably the limit, but Mom gave me the go-ahead to post as much as I like. But I will limit myself to two in one day- it's probably better for my productivity in other areas of life anyway. But, I just wanted to share our little Valentines Day with you. We went to the temple (hence the nice clothes) and came home for a meal and funny little (ok, big) Valentines cookie I made for Ian. Made for fun pictures anyway:) Notice my lovely new dress (we got a different one from the one Ian ordered for me for Christmas, if any of you remember that) and the beautiful tulips in the background. It's AMAZING how much fresh flowers change the feeling of the room! I want to hang out in my kitchen all day now because they are in there! Maybe I ought to just bring them with me as I move about the house! Your love of plants is still alive in me Mom, thanks. I can't grow much in my apartment either, but every little bit is wonderful!
I love my family

That's it. Just wanted to say that. I love you!
This is a great picture of all of us just after Christmas a few months ago. Actually there's two, one with Ian also (but without me) so I'll post both. By the way I love the comments guys. I feel like we're all, like Mom said, keeping track of each other. It's good to be kept track of (again, I agree with Dan on that one:) ) Oh, and I've been thinking of posting the crazy picture of us all dressed up in costume for our murder mystery party. Only if everyone asks real nice (and feels daring enough to have that out there on the web!)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
With His Banjo On His Knee

I do have my loyal doggie.
I guess I should say doggies I have two of ,em and a cat.
Do I sound wistful enough?
No ocean here.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Daniel Keith Cutler shaved off his sideburns, cut his own hair,(see his blog) and now he has put on a suit. I have taken his picture to post on my blog for all to see. I want to dance and sing and celebrate.( you will not find that picture on my blog, yet anyway)
He is working on his Mission papers. He turns 19 on the 2nd of April. We love you Danny.
He is working on his Mission papers. He turns 19 on the 2nd of April. We love you Danny.
Put it on shuffle!

It's 20 degrees out and I went jogging today. Quite strange for me, ordinarily, seeing as I don't jog ever, especially in the freezing cold, but Ian gave me an ipod shuffle for my birthday and it provided much incentive to get out there and get my heart pumping. Actually, my lungs sorta started to hurt from sucking in such freezing air and I could imagine the alveoli from my textbook pictures shivering. Sorry alveoli. It was a fun jog anyway, and I'm glad to know I can join Mom in her quest to stay active and healthy. Thanks for the inspiration Mom (and ipod:) ).
Also, I could do laundry EVERY DAY now that I have my shuffle playing excitingly-random tracks in my ears whenever I want! I finally see the appeal, Dan:) And you should try it Mom!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Where is Danny?
I turned Danny's bedroom into storage.
Have you seen "TheRM" (the movie)?
Phoenix does not generally believe in basements or storage space so this room is a beautiful thing. Don't you think basements would be good in a hot climate? Plus there are a lot of Mormons here who do believe in storage so it's odd there are so few.
I only had to air it for a week. Smile. It sure was quiet for a few days. Then Rae and Mom moved in.
Dan is going to school at ASU and working. uh yup. I miss my boy, not the late hours.
Friday, February 8, 2008
David Harrison-- not on a cell phone.

"Guitar Hero" shakes the timbers and food disappears mysteriously from fridge and cupboard. Trails of granola bar wrappers lead up the stairs, smelly socks grow profusely from down inside the sofa, and dirty dishes multiply under furniture. And that's just from Rachel! Right Dave?
Taller than Rachel.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I wanna Rock!

I appreciate blogs. I am glad Mom is letting me contribute to family dying of thirst in the desert blog. I have bit the bullet and officially declared Arizona as "home" although I still have "Rocky Mountain High Colorado" in my heart. This is a picture of me when I found out that Danny was working on his mission papers. I am excited for him. He currently has 3 jobs, while I have zero jobs and about that many dollars in the bank.
Rachel Ann Cutler-- Rockin' the house

Technically she has not lived in this state with us before so I can't truthfully say that, but she has managed to cram all(?) her belongings into an upstairs bedroom so she is definitely back full force into our lives.
Graduated BYU. Lookin' to do the Grad School thing after earning some money or something.
Well, I broke down and joined Freestone Recreation Center for a month.
They have a cushioned indoor track, and Shauna and Shelley go there to walk and I need the added motivation to exercise. Two miles a day, plus whatever else we throw in like warm up laps and weight machines.
We are preparing to go on a Handcart Trek with the youth in a couple of months.
I'm an old out of shape "Ma" to my never changing "Pa" Keith. It will be great as long as I don't collapse.
An old nemisis rears it's ugly head.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Grandma Jones - Mom
My Mom has moved in with us! We like it. I think she is settling in here too.
She has had a perm. Not a perfect one but we will keep trying.
She likes her new doctor, Dr. Schlotterback. She is still working on his name . He suggested calling him Dr. Mark but she doesn't seem inclined to do that.
She had cataract surgery on her right eye last week and is very excited to "see" the results. Me too.
She has had a perm. Not a perfect one but we will keep trying.
She likes her new doctor, Dr. Schlotterback. She is still working on his name . He suggested calling him Dr. Mark but she doesn't seem inclined to do that.
She had cataract surgery on her right eye last week and is very excited to "see" the results. Me too.
They say there is no weather in arizona. They are right . The weather is almost always the same. Winter is mild and is about 2 months long. It's supposed to be 72 degrees this weekend. I figure it must be spring.
Vote Vote Vote in Arizona today. ( and not for McCain either)
My Mom feels better today! Tomorrow is one week since her cataract surgery.
Dave is home sick and coughing a lot, using anti-germ stuff a lot ,and video games a lot.
"and Daddy he took my car" V about Daniel.
Vote Vote Vote in Arizona today. ( and not for McCain either)
My Mom feels better today! Tomorrow is one week since her cataract surgery.
Dave is home sick and coughing a lot, using anti-germ stuff a lot ,and video games a lot.
"and Daddy he took my car" V about Daniel.
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