Our Stake has challenged each Ward to come up with 250 names to take to the Temple for ordinance work by May something. Keith, and others, is taking the youth this Wed. to the temple to do the baptizims for said 250 names.
I would have liked to contribute
one! I can't seem to find one that is not a duplicate (there are billions and billions of duplicate works), or one that is questionable for some reason (John and Mary and 'benjamin for instance). No really, any one at all, I can't find.
(Plus a personal family story of a pioneer is wanted for Dave to take and study for the youth Handcart Trek!)
Okay, Okay, I'll calm down, but that is what I have been working on.
David achieved his Life Scout award yesterday at a really nice Court of Honor. He even did a great job of conducting the ceremony too. We are all very proud of him. Notice the

difference/growth in the posted pics today and the old time photo at the top of this blog taken only 3 months ago. His turning 14 has really pushed a lot of buttons, like growth and maturity and hairiness and deep voice stuff etc. For example, He is thrilled that people on the phone are now mistaking his voice for Keith instead of his Mom!
I did not have all his merit badges sewn on his sash, much to his chagrin, (insert appropriate quote here about "badges") I made him wear it any way. He is happy! Can ya tell?
DAVID SAYS," I am hunkered down to be the same height as Rae, I am really at least 3 inches taller than she is. Change it or say something, Mom".