We used to dust furniture to the soundtrack.
Romantic huh?

We visited an old print shop there and I fell in love with the place. They still do their printing by old handsets and ink
I love the Flatiron Building. If any one remembers or knows what a flatiron looks like you can't miss it, for others, it is the triangular one in the center. It is said to be only fifteen feet across in the front. It is was one of New York's first skyscrapers.
We Love getting a Burger at the Shake Shack in the park near there(lower left) and sit and view the Flatiron and people watch. There is always a line for this good food.
I like the Chrysler Building too. (It is the Art Deco one, of course.) I can't be sure but it looks like the Brooklyn Bridge in the background. (my favorite!) If I squint. The location seems more like the Manhatton Bridge.?? Which is it Alli?
I like the Woolworth building too, but you can't see it here ,unfortunately. It too is one of the early skyscrappers. built with Nickels and Dimes from the Dime Store Moguls fortune.
Architecture is one of my favorite things! It is one reason I love to travel.
Among other things, Danny, while skateboarding into a bank somehow managed to bend my new Ipod almost in half! (remember I got it for a present, hadn't used it yet, so he borrowed it) How you bend a little solid thing like that I don't understand. It was in his back pocket if that explains anything?(a hard bottom?) His luck holds true.
We walked where George Washington and Benjamin Franklin did (He fascinates me). We visited Federal hall, where the nation was conceived, Betsy Ross' house, a Quaker church, and, as touted, a "real Quaker".
Maybe we as Mormons ought to try that approach, "Visit a Mormon church with a real Mormon inside!" The sign could also boast something about 1st Amendment rights used right here!
The very first thing my children did was find an old abandoned building near our Hotel. Danny found it with David in tow and came to get the girls. Immediately after Breakfast they went to explore it. (Some things never change!) Allison, true to long time tradition, while trapsing around upstairs broke through a floor board with one leg. Thankfully, she wasn't hurt badly, so no trip to the hospital this time. (I have lost track of the times with that child.) Ian, downstairs, was certainly startled, when a leg came crashing through the ceiling right by his head.
Oh, and in the Best Cheesesteak battle--we vote-- uhmm-- Pat's!
Rachel is a natural born rower/wave maker, surprisingly strong, yet with a tendency to veer a little off kilter.
.Allison and Ian were very very busy somewhere far off
in the Bronx.Daniel didn't show up, we guessed he was too busy with his
friends..Keith somehow had a knack for "rocking the boat".I seemed to do best when just hanging on trying not to get
capsized into the murky water.Does any of this sound familiar? metaphorically speaking
That is them in the top photo, in the blue and purple clothes, as seen from our distant viewpoint. They didn't paddle in circles. They actually did very well, maybe even better, without us in the boat.
in New York
Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time
running around shouting that he’s been robbed.The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise.Life is like an old time rail journey…delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed.The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.
Jenkins Lloyd Jones