This is the infamous Apple Store http://www.apple.com/retail/fifthavenue/ in Midtown, just in front of FAO Schwarz, http://www.fao.com/custsvc/custsvc.jsp?sectionId=560 the famous Toy store, which is one of my favorite stores to visit. We tend to split up. (Please go here instead of the Toys-R-us at Times square.)
We helped a little lost girl find her Mom. It turned out she only spoke Yiddish. I thought that was interesting. No wonder she didn't respond well to English. I would never have guessed. I guess I need to get out more or something to open my mind to those possibilities.
And yes, I caved in to pressure, (weeks and weeks of intensity from ALL sides, including Keith) I am sorry to say, and thus David purchased his own iphone. I told him he was buying his own
Christmas present I guess. I reserve the right to revoke privileges and to complain if so warranted.
the apple store really is super awesome. its hard not to buy things in there!