For 12 dollars an hour you can rent a rowboat on one of the lakes in Central Park. After three days of trying to get there, the Cutler Family finally "gave it a go".
Rachel is a natural born rower/wave maker, surprisingly strong, yet with a tendency to veer a little off kilter.
Many years of cardboard boat racing on Tempe Town Lake, trying to lead his troop to a win and not sink too soon, has made David an expert rower! 
.Allison and Ian were very very busy somewhere far off
in the Bronx.Daniel didn't show up, we guessed he was too busy with his
friends..Keith somehow had a knack for "rocking the boat".I seemed to do best when just hanging on trying not to get
capsized into the murky water.Does any of this sound familiar? metaphorically speaking
After a while, Keith and I convinced them to let us out onto a nearby rock. We then enjoyed watching them go it alone, and try to row at the same time, thus seeing them paddle in circles!
That is them in the top photo, in the blue and purple clothes, as seen from our distant viewpoint. They didn't paddle in circles. They actually did very well, maybe even better, without us in the boat.
in New York
Well I suppose the artical is coming, right? I wanted to let you know that we now have a blog, I set it up this morning. Check it out. It was great seeing rachel last night, she looks great and very happy. As always when I see any of the Cutlers or even a picture, I miss you all so much. Still hoping for your valiant return.
ReplyDeletelove you, Nada