Did anyone know that it's been raining all summer so far here in NY? Now you know! (say this like on Bill Nye the Science Guy. Points if you can do this, lemme know if you can:) ) Anyway, during part of this rainy summer my old friend Barb came to visit, I'm sure y'all know her, you may not know her daughter London (I didn't until this trip). Well we toured NYC in the RAIN and I thought it would make for a cute post. This is Barb and London in all the RAIN. And we took the subways in this rain. and walked 40 blocks. No I'm not joking. Part of the trip was to walk down 5th ave and window shop. And so we did. Woo hoo!

It did slow up for the Statue of Liberty though. Well, the Staten Island Ferry, that is. The best way to see the Lady if you ask me. Free too.

Here we are on the windy ferry. The guy taking the picture must not have noticed the small child in Barb's arms, or decided we didn't want to capture her in the memory, so we only have her forehead. Ha ha that still makes me laugh a little:)

Yay for friends! We also saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway (amazing voices. amazing. and yes, the chandelier drop is still the best part. I remembert that from when I was LITTLE. how little was I Mom, you remember?) and ate Grimaldi's pizza under the Brooklyn Bridge. Still my favorite no matter what other places crop up claiming to be better. I love NY:) Anyone up for some rain?
Rain makes me jealous.