Like it or not, I am in charge.
We have the ability and the responsibility to choose what we think about. It is a divine power.
You make me angry" is a false statement. No one, nothing "makes" us angry. We choose.
"We are the captains of our soul"( loosely quoted)
Choose not to be angry. Choose to forgive quickly. Choose to not be offended.
Choose Faith.
D&C 58:28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves
Fear of failure?-don't allow yourself to think about it.
(I see this in kids especially, they don't want to do something they are not already good at. It is a sad trap.)
Faith/Fear - Faith/Doubt - Trust/worry -- opposite sides--it is one or the other. You can't really have both at the same time. Whose side are you on?
Don't allow yourself to think about it. Dwelling on some "lie" only gives it more power more of a chance to become a physical part of who you are.
Don't be afraid of criticism from those around you. Don't see it where it isn't.
Do not let fear stop you.
Do try new things and progress.
What are you choosing to dominate your thoughts? Have you considered that as a gift from Heaven?
Your thoughts and memory process are a complicated chemical reaction in your brain. it affects us biologically, spiritually and socially. -- becoming an actual cellular, physical part of who we are.
Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinketh so is he.
Choose what you think about wisely. It becomes part of you and influences what you do and say and become, and it amplifies with age. This is one of my favorite topics. I may speak on it often.
a lighter aside- from out in left field- If you have seen the old movie "9to5" they would never have done any of those things if they hadn't "imagined" them first. (It's been remade into a Broadway musical by the way).

Hey Mom. I like this post. I like that you can still teach your kids through your blog. See, the internet CAN be a good thing. Thanks for your thoughts. I like having someone still teaching me things and looking out for me. I feel it from you.