Money is scarce this year so think about where you want to put it to use.
(We are trying an old fashioned/ homemade Christmas, can I even remember how to knit?)
Is there a small business that you really love and wish there were more of in the world. How about that place where you are friends with the owners and you feel like family when you are there? or a place where it is the young familys' livelyhood and your money can help them too? or that place that is the only place you can get that thing you want when you need it? or even someplace that will pay tithing on the money again. Maybe I go too far but it counts for something someplaces? Weren't we driven out of Missouri for that? (that's an old Mormon joke).
While I am at it, let's all put a dollar in the Salvation Army's red bell ringer bucket. Teach your kids how fun it is to put coins in there and tell them what good it does.
As Ephraim Levi always said, "Money is like manure, it's only good when you spread it around- encouraging young things to grow".

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