Sewing, walking, sewing , walking, that is what I have been doing this past week. Sewing Pioneer clothes for three. David is impressed that I can sew. He somehow has missed the fact that I have sewn before. I guess I always did it at night or in Nada's basement or both. This picture is of one of the prom dresses sewn before ,with help. We call it the Flamenco dress(it's exactly what she wanted- I think).
It was 110 degrees today.
The Pioneer Handcart Trek is in a week. I can make 4 miles an hour.
If I tape my feet.
Did I mention chopping the head off that live chicken a while back? Well I did- with an hatchet, then we cooked it in a dutch oven and ate it. Kind of gruesome but I had rather kill it than clean it , scald it, or pluck it. It's all a part of the Ma and Pa training Keith and I are in. Ma s and Pas are dropping out right and left. I live in the city! with city folk. Strange huh?
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