This could also be referred to as enforced quality family bonding time.
There are some tips in this entry that I needed to remember, tips like, be sure to limit movies and Ipods, even if they squabble, they will probably squabble less without too much of either these things, plus they will remember the trip and the time together more readily later on, probably.
Remember your spouse is really your only ally in all this. He also helps you to remember one of my "mother of big boys" mantras, "Just don't look!" ( and also helps to make mental notes of Emergency room locations).
(When they are this size they usually don't require emergency medical treatment.) In all fairness Allison required just as many E-room trips as Davey.
Be sure to give nap times and bed times high priority and hang on to somewhat normal sleep patterns. This helps to maintain higher levels of patience and forgiveness in travelers of all ages.
Try not to let the rabble take over the decision making. You can never please everyone, and it can take up a lot of time. But most of all Be flexible and happy with whatever comes!
Be sure and plan times to blow off steam and use those big muscles. Even if Dad has to stay at the van with the baby or maybe especially if he can stay and quietly stretch. Such activities can include hurdling picnic tables at rest areas along the Susquehanna River, (We waited until after the Muslims had finished praying) or pushups in the parking lot.
We visited a beautiful state park one evening and hiked and ran and climbed around gorgeous gorges with lots of waterfalls. (I've always wanted to say that.)
The lady was all alone and made a great sandwich.
If traveling with a family or group, make sure you eat on time to prevent grumpiness, DO NOT put it off. Plan it in and just do it. You run the risk of trouble if you don't. I needed to recall this family rule quickly. It is hard to stand strong on but important to do so.
We stumbled across Bobby Flay's favorite Thai restaurant while in Manhattan. Delicious! I will try and remember the name or ask Allison what it was and get it in later. We were trying for the Shake Shack and parked by the wrong park. Which just goes to show once again that even a mistake can turn out for the best if you let it.
We did not actually come to blows with the Green Peace workers despite rumors to the contrary.
I love family vacations!
to be continued...
You really should write a book on "How To Travel With Family"
ReplyDeleteYou think I'm kidding....
I'm so not.
Mom, I really like your blogging. Also. My almost most favorite picture, besides some of the sun shining through trees in the grove, is the one of you and the boys, t-shirts and legs only. Sweet shot, I am glad you posted it. Also, I need to get these from you! Also, Alli I want to see the power money pyramid video. Good times. This was a great trip. And food IS so important. Dear are so easily dispelled by a few calories! How soon we forget...
ReplyDeleteMom. This is great stuff. Greatness. I love re-living this vacation. (have I said that already somewhere?) What FUUUNN!