When I moved here and we stood and had our records read in as new members of this ward, and neither of my girls was there, I wanted to shout,"There are more of us! It's just for some silly reason we are not all attending here right now." Wait! (looking around) There really are more. They must be here somewhere. Really. I have four Children!

I have been thinking the past few days about me as a Mother.
It has slowly dawned on me that am no longer considered a young mother. I am not the Mother of four young children anymore either. (as evidenced by the above). duh
I went to lunch with a great new friend- free makeup and lunch at Paradise Bakery--great stuff. Anyway, next day, I ran an errand with another new friend (I call them new 'cause they have been my friends only since I moved here five years ago) both are way younger than I am, Well, their oldest children are Seniors in high school. Somewhere in my brain I thought we were in the same boat, relating to each other due in part to our similar circumstances in life. Nope.
The first picture is when my oldest was in High School. From the looks of things that is not now.
I had just gotten over the fact(maybe) that I am no longer of child bearing age. Now this!
So, I am feeling the need to post pictures of my kids, all four together.
I feel the same way. I have to go out of my way to let people know I have any kids at all. LOVE CONNIE