It is gaudy and ostentatious in the extreme. The contrast is like day and night, good and evil, and it is blatantly worldly like a "great and spacious building". It is not quite completed, and no one lives in it yet, but the architect has a sign up procaiming his ownership in the creation of this folly, this blight on the landscape, but, it is also sure that someone will soon move in, oblivious to the insult.
This is beyond one of those "McMansions" I dislike so much. I was appalled at its "grotesque audacity". (Okay, now I am stretching.)
I know I am ranting, but I couldn't help myself this time and it is my blog, perhaps I will start using this forum more often. I do love to climb on the old soap box once in a while.
If we become aware of this frightening trend, we can battle it in our own way. I don't know what that way may be but I hope we find it. I know awareness is the first step toward change.
Here is a photo in one direction from the courtyard entryway of the Christian chapel. ( I think it was Catholic) I did not take a picture the other way. I could not bring myself to do so. Maybe I should have. No, I don't think so, that might have given it some sort of perverse recognition "it" somehow craves.
Now I am dying of curiosity. You must show us! You must!